According to the Cayce philosophy, when the nervous system is properly balanced, all systems of the body can experience improved coordination and restoration of their proper functioning. 

The Cayce/Reilly signature massage is a specific, traditional massage sequence that blends Swedish, Osteopathic, and Neuropathic techniques that emphasizes relaxing and balancing the nervous system.

Through different massage strokes, stretching, and gentle vibrations of the abdominal organs and endocrine glands, this therapeutic and meditative sequence follows the CARE model of Circulation, Assimilation, Relaxation and Elimination.

Thus the Cayce/Reilly massage can be both stimulating and relaxing. Techniques such as grounding, centering, and deep breathing are also used with the intention to help facilitate the integration of body, mind, and spirit and to enhance optimal health and wellness for each client.

Cupping, Acupressure, Aromatherapy and Card Readings may be included in any session free of charge.

$125 / 75 minute session, $150 / 90 minute session. Multiple sessions and continuous work is available and may be of benefit. Book or inquire below.